English for Libya


English for Libya
is a curriculum designed by the ministry of education.

This course has been developed for the teaching of English to students in Preparatory 3. As such, the course has been specifically designed to reflect the fact that the students are starting to become young adults. It covers topics that draw upon their knowledge and experience of the world, as well as their personal interest.
Preparatory 3 (Grade 9) have to take a test within the state system.

This course puts certain emphasis on “the knowledge of language” as one of the objectives of learning.

An important strategy, which has been introduced in the Preparatory stage, is a more overt analysis of the structure of the language.

This has been adopted for the reason of constraints placed on teaching by the state examination system.

This means that students need to demonstrate both knowledge of language and an ability to use the language.

Stay In Touch With Us

School Address

3 Jebal Tariq St. off El Mahad El Sehi Street El Fowaihat (Bekoan)

Benghazi, Libya

Work Hours

from Saturday to Thursday
8.00am – 2.00pm

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